We are located in northermost Sweden in the village of Jukkasjärvi, approx 15 km from Kiruna Airport and 20 km from central Kiruna.
You can take the train from Stockholm to Kiruna.
Links to travel agencies:
SJ: Click here
VY: Click here
Kiruna Airport Transfer takes you from Kiruna Airport to Kiruna City Center.
Click here for bus route and current schedule, buss line 91.
The direct flight from Stockholm Arlanda to Kiruna Airport takes approx 90 minutes.
SAS: Click here
NORWEGIAN: Click here
To get to Jukkasjärvi from Kiruna you either take taxi, car or local bus.
Taxi Kiruna: +46 980 120 20, www.sverigetaxi.se
Länstrafiken Norrbotten: Click here
Local bus no 501 Kiruna-Jukkasjärvi.
Márkanbáiki – Sámi open-air museum, Marknadsvägen 2, Jukkasjärvi
Bus 501 stop ”Jukkasjärvi Kyrkan”
Reindeer Lodge, Paksuniemivägen 188, Jukkasjärvi
No bus stop nearby the lodge. We offer scheduled check-in/out transfer with minibus for Reindeer Lodge guests from Kiruna and Jukkasjärvi resp.
Nutti Sámi Siida Office, Marknadsvägen 84, Jukkasjärvi
Start the day by saying good morning to a reindeer, and then snuggle up with a warm cup of cocoa after a long day in the forest. Fall asleep to the sound of crackling fire, wake up and see how the northern lights or the midnight sun in the sky.
Experience Sámi culture and nature up close. Nutti Sámi Siida offers authentic eco-tourism, specialty lodging, and cultural adventures in the heart of Sápmi.
© Nutti Sámi Siida by EZ Agency. All Right Reserved 2025.